Trying to migrate a Netflix DGS GraphQL and Neo4J project to now use Spring for GraphQL and Neo4J instead. Hit a roadblock when I wanted to avoid the N+1 problem.
Yes, there is an alternative to avoid the N+1 problem in Spring for GraphQL. It's the @BatchMapping annotation:
Suppose you have the following schema:
type Query {
artistas: [Artista]
type Artista {
id: ID
apellido: String
estilo: String
type Obra{
artistaId: ID
titulo: String
imagen: String
And the following @QueryMapping:
Flux<Artista> artistas(){
return Flux.fromIterable(allArtistas);
Our Artista DTO contains a List of Obra we may sometimes want, so it can cause us the N+1 problem:
record Artista (Long id, String apellido, String estilo, List<Obra> obras){}
record Obra (Long artistaId, String titulo, String imagen){}
So if you add an additional mapping method annotated with @BatchMapping, you tell the GraphQL engine to fetch that data using a DataLoader under the hood and keeping it at hand for each DB roundtrip, for example.
@BatchMapping(typeName = "Artista")
Mono<Map<Artista, List<Obra>>> obras(List<Artista> artistas){
var artistasIds =
var todasLasObras = obtenerObras(artistasIds);
return todasLasObras.collectList()
.map(obras -> {
Map<Long, List<Obra>> obrasDeCadaArtistaId =
unArtista -> unArtista, //K, el Artista
unArtista -> obrasDeCadaArtistaId.get(Long.parseLong(; //V, la lista de obras
private Flux<Obra> obtenerObras(List<Long> artistasIds) {
// ...your service-specific way of getting all the Obras from each artistaId...
If you throw some logs here and there you can check it only fetches the Obras once.
Hope it helps!
Answered By - Julio César Estravis
Answer Checked By - David Marino (JavaFixing Volunteer)