I am trying to generate Uber Jar using maven-shade-plugin and i want to exclude some resources from the shaded jar and include some of specified artifact.But following exclude resources are bundled with it.
<transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ServicesResourceTransformer"/>
<transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ManifestResourceTransformer">
Also i need to include
related artifact only into my uber jar. Please let me know where i made the mistake.
The filters on the artifacts as looking into your code should ideally be:
<exclude>LICENSE</exclude> <!--if this is same as above, not required-->
<exclude>**</exclude> <!--to exclude all the artifacts from group-->
<exclude>org:**</exclude><!--exclude all artifacts under group org-->
OR in case you are looking to fine grain the classes from the dependent artifacts, then you can apply multiple filters like
<exclude>LICENSE</exclude> <!--if this is same as above, not required-->
<exclude>com/myproject/auto/**</exclude> <!--to exclude a set of classes from the project structure-->
<exclude>org/**</exclude> <!--though the artifact naming needs to be refined for this-->
<exclude>com/google/common/**</exclude> <!--exclude classes from the respective artifacts-->
There are pretty useful examples to exclude-include configurations on Apache documentation as linked by you itself.
Answered By - Naman
Answer Checked By - Katrina (JavaFixing Volunteer)