what is the best framework to start developing a strong web application?
that in a future it is easy to maintain and that in a team it is easy to develop?
maybe it's better something like Scala and the Play framework?
why use one rather than another?
who in the future will have the best from the web point of view?
I'm undecided about using one of these
You can't say what is better.
But I like Express.js, it is easy to learn, setup(There are lot of choices in Spring can make you confused easily).
I don't compare it, you can check
- Should I be Node.js or Java Spring developer?
- What are the advantages of Spring Boot over Node.js for a RESTful web service?
- etc with Express.js vs Spring
Answered By - hong4rc
Answer Checked By - Clifford M. (JavaFixing Volunteer)