I'm struggling to understand exactly what Spring Security/Spring Boot does under the hood and what is up to me to implement to get form-based authentication up and running (rel="nofollow noreferrer">
For reference, I'm building a web-app and am currently working on the backend, which is developed with Spring Boot. The data is stored in a nonrelational database. I haven't built the frontend yet and I use Postman to test my API's.
I followed this ( and this tutorial ( to get a sense of how to use Spring Security, given the gargantuan size and dispersive nature of the official docs ( Both tutorials use a deprecated class, but I chose to provisionally use it to make it easier to build a functional app - will change it later.
What I managed to understand is that Spring Security filters client requests with a series of methods (contained in a series of Filter classes) and what we do is basically declare how these filters should operate, rather than code them ourselves. This declaration is done through a Java configuration class, which establishes which resources are publically available, which are hidden behind an authentication wall and which need particular permissions, in addition to being authenticated, to be accessed. Furthermore, this configuration file is also where we declare what authentication methods we allow (with form-based authentication falling in this category).
The following is my (edited to ease understanding) configuration file:
public class SecurityConfiguration extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
private final PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder;
private final AppUserDetailsService appUserService;
public SecurityConfiguration(PasswordEncoder passwordEncoder, AppUserDetailsService appUserService){
this.passwordEncoder = passwordEncoder;
this.appUserService = appUserService;
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
// ... other configuration to protect resources
protected void configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {
public DaoAuthenticationProvider daoAuthenticationProvider() {
DaoAuthenticationProvider provider = new DaoAuthenticationProvider();
return provider;
where passwordEncoder and appUserService are two Components, which are declared in their own classes, and should respectively be used to encode user passwords and retrieve user authentication details (which go in a class implementing the interface UserDetails, see and ) from the database.
Now, according to what I understand of the official docs (, the DaoAuthenticationProvider I build in the configuration class should take care of authentication matters. I do not need to define anything else in my code than what I mentioned above. Is that correct? This did not seem to work today, but I might have gotten something wrong in my Postman requests - thank you in advance!
EDIT (refer to my second batch of comments under @Toerktumlare 's answer):
My configuration file now looks like this (omitted UserDetailsService and PasswordEncrypter):
public class SecurityConfiguration {
public SecurityFilterChain filterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
.authorizeHttpRequests((authz) -> authz
.antMatchers("someUrl/{username}").access("@userSecurity.isSameUser(authentication, #username)")
.antMatchers("/someOtherUrl/{username}/**").access("@userSecurity.isSameUser(authentication, #username)")
.formLogin((formLogin) ->
.logout((logout) ->
and I get this compile error: "The method access(AuthorizationManager) in the type AuthorizeHttpRequestsConfigurer.AuthorizedUrl is not applicable for the arguments (String)", which I get. What I don't get is that the official docs do seem to use this .access() method with a String argument ( I guess they're using a different .access() method, but I can't see how.
I finally managed to get the whole thing to work. Please note I haven't tested this extensively yet, so I'll get back to this once I do and update this answer if necessary.
As to the first part of my question (which originally was the whole question: "What do I need to implement myself?"), the only things I needed to implement myself was the UserDetailsService and the PasswordEncoder interfaces. The former is the class that is responsible for retrieving user details (obviously actual access to the database can be delegated to another class, like Spring Repository's if using Spring Data). Spring Security does provide an implementation in case one has an in-memory database or a relational database, but this wasn't my case. It absolutely makes sense that users would have to write their own implementation, as Spring doesn't force any specific way of storing user credentials on you and therefore has no way of automatically knowing where to retrieve said credentials.
I also implemented a SecurityFilterChain bean (like @Toerktumlare did in his answer). When building your own application, you will most likely need to do this as well, but you might get form-based authentication to work even without declaring a SecurityFilterChain bean*. I haven't tested this, but it is definitely mentioned somewhere in the docs (will link this later if I find it and have the time).
Once your custom UserDetailsService and PasswordEncoder implementations are written and configured as a bean and thus made available for Spring to instantiate on its own, you're all done. Spring will automatically add them to its AuthenticationProvider (no need to implement this!) and use them for authentication.
Now, getting to the second part of my question ("How do I get the .access() method to work once I switch to http.authorizeHttpRequests()?"), I eventually had to switch to implementing the functional interface requested by the .access method in this new setup. It now works as expected. I'm still baffled by the snippet in the Spring docs where they use that method with a String argument ( N.B.: the link will redirect you to the section, I'm talking about the second snippet in that section (the one titled "Example 1. Refer to method").): either I'm missing something, or it's a mistake on their part. Will also investigate this further if I have the time.
*N.B.: Technically, I think form-based authentication will work even if you do not define your own UserServiceDetails implementation: Spring will use one of its own implementations and generate a user and password for you. It will also print a message saying that for production you'll want to use your own UserDetailsService, so I just mention this for completeness.
Answered By - the-frank
Answer Checked By - David Marino (JavaFixing Volunteer)