I am getting a list of objects from 3rd party but it will always contain one object only. So at my end in target I have created it as an object rather than list. That object contains multiple lists inside it just like source object.
This is how I am trying to map a list to an object. ChargeTransaction contain orderInvoice as an object and not a list. For list which are inside ChargeTransaction I have created separate mappers. I dont want to write java code in @afterMapping because then how nested lists will be mapped. The nested lists are of type in both the objects.
@Mapping(target = "orderInvoice", source = "basePaymentRequest.invoice.eventPayload.orderInvoices")
ChargeTransaction createInvoiceCTMapper(PaymentTriggerBaseModel basePaymentRequest, ChargeType chargeType);
java: Can't map property "List<OrderInvoice> basePaymentRequest.invoice.eventPayload.orderInvoices" to "OrderInvoice orderInvoice". Consider to declare/implement a mapping method: "OrderInvoice map(List<OrderInvoice> value)".
I tried
@Mapping(target = "orderInvoice", expression= "java(basePaymentRequest.invoice.eventPayload.orderInvoices.get(0))")
But it gives error in Impl class
chargeTransaction.setOrderInvoice( basePaymentRequest.invoice.eventPayload.orderInvoices.get(0) );
java: incompatible types: cannot be converted to
IMHO the best way to solve this problem is to use a @Named
paired with @Mapping#qualifiedByName
class Mapper {
@Mapping(target = "orderInvoice", source ="basePaymentRequest.invoice.eventPayload.orderInvoices", qualifiedByName="firstElement")
ChargeTransaction createInvoiceCTMapper(PaymentTriggerBaseModel basePaymentRequest, ChargeType chargeType);
OrderInvoice map(List<OrderInvoice> value) {
if(value == null) return null;
if(value.isEmpty()) return null;
return map(value.get(0));
abstract map( invoice);
In this way you are instructed MapStruct to use map(List<>)
to convert invoices to a single OrderInvoice and abstract map(OrderInvoice)
to let MapStruct autogenerate mapping code.
Code in untested because I haven't limited spare time today,but I hope my example may be useful;if anything is wrong feel free to comment and I will correct code asap.
Answered By - Luca Basso Ricci
Answer Checked By - Senaida (JavaFixing Volunteer)