I'm trying to create logic that will intercept all /graphql
requests, check if headers are present and add them to MDC, and if not "reject" the request with an appropriate error.
First attempt was to add it to a registered AsyncHandlerInterceptor#preHandle
, where I threw an IllegalArgumentException
. Unfortunately, the DataFetcherExceptionResolverAdapter
does not pick it up.
Then I tried a a WebInterceptor, but again the resolver doesn't see this exception.
Here is the interceptor, I'm very new to reactive, so pls don't judge lol. It seems to work correctly, when the header is present, but not when the exception is thrown.
public WebInterceptor headerInterceptor() {
return (webInput, chain) ->
.doFirst(() -> {
String header = webInput.getHeaders().getFirst("some-header");
if (header != null && !header.isEmpty()) {
MDC.put("some-header", header);
} else throw new IllegalArgumentException("...");
.doFinally(s -> MDC.clear());
Interceptor code (not reached):
public class SomeDataFetcherExceptionResolverAdapter extends DataFetcherExceptionResolverAdapter {
protected GraphQLError resolveToSingleError(Throwable throwable, DataFetchingEnvironment environment) {
if (throwable instanceof ConstraintViolationException || throwable instanceof IllegalArgumentException) {
return GraphqlErrorBuilder
} else {
return super.resolveToSingleError(throwable, environment);
Here's what I ended up doing:
public class GraphqlHeaderInterceptor implements WebInterceptor {
public Mono<WebOutput> intercept(WebInput input, WebInterceptorChain chain) {
.doFirst(() -> {
// fill MDC or throw Exception if no header
.onErrorResume(ex -> Mono.just(errResult(input, ex)))
.doFinally(s -> MDC.clear());
private WebOutput errResult(WebInput input, Throwable ex) {
var error = GraphqlErrorBuilder
var result = ExecutionResultImpl.newExecutionResult().addError(error).build();
return new WebOutput(input, result);
Which is good enough for me.
Answered By - dpozinen
Answer Checked By - Senaida (JavaFixing Volunteer)