I am trying to add access control to a set of api endpoints and the problem I am running into is that the service is redirecting to /
regardless of whether the original request was /api/apple
or /api/orange
. I currently have a filter set up to read a custom http header to do the authentication and the filter I am using is extended from AbstractAuthenticationProcessingFilter. The documentation is saying that it is intended for the AbstractAuthenticationProcessingFilter
to redirect to a specific url upon successful authentication, but this is not the behavior I want for an api. I think I may be using the wrong Filter, but I don't know which one I should be using. Can I get some help on what I may be doing wrong and what I should be doing?
Filter Chain Configuration:
public class SecurityConfig {
AuthenticationManager customAuthenticationManager(PreAuthProvider preAuthProvider) {
return new ProviderManager(List.of(preAuthProvider));
SessionAuthFilter customAuthFilter(AuthenticationManager authManager, CustomUserDetails userDetails) {
return new SessionAuthFilter(
new OrRequestMatcher(
new AntPathRequestMatcher("/apple/**"),
new AntPathRequestMatcher("/orange/**")
public SecurityFilterChain filterChain(HttpSecurity http, SessionAuthFilter authFilter) throws Exception {
.authenticationEntryPoint(new Http403ForbiddenEntryPoint())
.accessDeniedHandler(new AccessDeniedHandlerImpl())
.antMatchers(GET, "/apple").hasAuthority("getApples")
.antMatchers(GET, "/orange").hasAuthority("getOranges")
.addFilterBefore(authFilter, AbstractPreAuthenticatedProcessingFilter.class)
Filter Implementation:
public class SessionAuthFilter extends AbstractAuthenticationProcessingFilter {
private final CustomUserDetails userDetails;
protected SessionAuthFilter(RequestMatcher requestMatcher, AuthenticationManager authenticationManager,
CustomUserDetails userDetails) {
super(requestMatcher, authenticationManager);
this.userDetails = userDetails;
public Authentication attemptAuthentication(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
throws AuthenticationException {
var sessionToken = request.getHeader("SessionToken") != null ? request.getHeader("SessionToken").trim() : null;
var user = userDetails.loadUserByUsername(sessionToken);
var authentication = new PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationToken(user.getUsername(), user.getPassword(),
return this.getAuthenticationManager().authenticate(authentication);
Authentication Provider:
public class PreAuthProvider implements AuthenticationProvider {
private boolean throwExceptionWhenTokenRejected;
public Authentication authenticate(Authentication authentication) throws AuthenticationException {
if (!this.supports(authentication.getClass())) {
return null;
} else {
log.debug(String.valueOf(LogMessage.format("PreAuthenticated authentication request: %s", authentication)));
if (authentication.getPrincipal() == null) {
log.debug("No pre-authenticated principal found in request.");
if (this.throwExceptionWhenTokenRejected) {
throw new BadCredentialsException("No pre-authenticated principal found in request.");
} else {
return null;
} else if (authentication.getCredentials() == null) {
log.debug("No pre-authenticated credentials found in request.");
if (this.throwExceptionWhenTokenRejected) {
throw new BadCredentialsException("No pre-authenticated credentials found in request.");
} else {
return null;
} else if (!authentication.isAuthenticated()) {
throw new InsufficientAuthenticationException("Session token likely no longer valid.");
return authentication;
public boolean supports(Class<?> authentication) {
return authentication.equals(PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationToken.class);
public void setThrowExceptionWhenTokenRejected(boolean throwExceptionWhenTokenRejected) {
this.throwExceptionWhenTokenRejected = throwExceptionWhenTokenRejected;
It looks like if you set continueChainBeforeSuccessfulAuthentication
in your AbstractAuthenticationProcessingFilter
implementation to true, you can stop the redirection. I only needed to modify the filter constructor which came out to be:
protected SessionAuthFilter(RequestMatcher requestMatcher, AuthenticationManager authenticationManager,
CustomUserDetails userDetails) {
super(requestMatcher, authenticationManager);
this.userDetails = userDetails;
The other approach would be to implement a different Filter such as OncePerRequestFilter or a GenericFilterBean to handle the authentication yourself.
Answered By - superflux
Answer Checked By - Mary Flores (JavaFixing Volunteer)