It works when I turn off the internet in the app but it doesn't work when I launch the app without the internet
private val networkCallback: ConnectivityManager.NetworkCallback =
object: ConnectivityManager.NetworkCallback() {
override fun onAvailable(network: Network) {
override fun onLost(network: Network) {
That's because NetworkCallback
according to the network change to give you a callback.
the class document says as follows:
Base class for NetworkRequest callbacks. Used for notifications about network changes
if you want to check if the network is available you can use the following code
val cm = context.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE) as ConnectivityManager
val activeNetwork: NetworkInfo? = cm.activeNetworkInfo
val isConnected: Boolean = activeNetwork?.isConnectedOrConnecting == true
Answered By - Lenoarod
Answer Checked By - Candace Johnson (JavaFixing Volunteer)