Among the possible steps one can use in a Jenkins pipeline, there is one with the name step, subtitled General Build Step. . I need to iterate on calling this step based on the contents of a file. I have created a groovy script to read the file and perform the iteration, but I am not sure how to create the equivalent of my step() in the groovy script. Here is the general format of the step I am trying to perform:
stage ('title') {
steps {
$class: 'UCDeployPublisher',
siteName: 'literal string',
deploy: [
$class: 'com.urbancode.jenkins.plugins.ucdeploy.DeployHelper$DeployBlock',
param1: 'another literal string',
param2: 'yet another string'
The script step I have developed looks like this:
steps {
script {
def content = readFile(file:'data.csv', encoding:'UTF-8');
def lines = content.split('\n');
for (line in lines) {
// want to insert equivalent groovy code for the basic build step here
I'm expecting there is probably a trivial answer here. I'm just out of my element in the groovy/java world and I am not sure how to proceed. I have done extensive research, looked at source code for Jenkins, looked at plugins, etc. I am stuck!
Check the following, simply move your UCDeployPublisher
to a new function and call that from your loop.
steps {
script {
def content = readFile(file:'data.csv', encoding:'UTF-8');
def lines = content.split('\n');
for (line in lines) {
// Groovy function
def runUCD(def n) {
stage ("title $n") {
steps {
$class: 'UCDeployPublisher',
siteName: 'literal string',
deploy: [
$class: 'com.urbancode.jenkins.plugins.ucdeploy.DeployHelper$DeployBlock',
param1: 'another literal string',
param2: 'yet another string'
Answered By - ycr
Answer Checked By - David Goodson (JavaFixing Volunteer)