Following error is thrown when I running my web app.
Exception encountered during context initialization - cancelling refresh attempt: org.springframework.beans.factory.UnsatisfiedDependencyException: Error creating bean with name 'org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.orm.jpa.HibernateJpaConfiguration': Unsatisfied dependency expressed through constructor parameter 0; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'dataSource' defined in class path resource [org/springframework/boot/autoconfigure/jdbc/DataSourceConfiguration$Hikari.class]: Bean instantiation via factory method failed; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.BeanInstantiationException: Failed to instantiate [com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource]: Factory method 'dataSource' threw exception; nested exception is org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.jdbc.DataSourceProperties$DataSourceBeanCreationException: Failed to determine a suitable driver class
The description for the thrown error as follows,
Failed to configure a DataSource: 'url' attribute is not specified and no embedded datasource could be configured.
Reason: Failed to determine a suitable driver class
Consider the following:<br>
If you want an embedded database (H2, HSQL or Derby), please put it on the classpath.
<br> If you have database settings to be loaded from a particular profile you may need to activate it (no profiles are currently active).
After referring this answer, I know I have to do some changes with my pom.xml
file. But I don't know what to change and even similar type questions on StackOverflow couldn't help me to sort this out.
My pom.xml
as follows(when I creating project I have added "Web", "JPA", "MySQL" dependencies),
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->
<description>Demo project for Spring Boot</description>
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
<!-- -->
Plese note that I don't need to deal with H2 databases in this situation so H2 is not a solution for me.
If you read your trace of error:
Exception encountered during context initialization - cancelling refresh attempt: org.springframework.beans.factory.UnsatisfiedDependencyException: Error creating bean with name 'org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.orm.jpa.HibernateJpaConfiguration': Unsatisfied dependency expressed through constructor parameter 0; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'dataSource' defined in class path resource [org/springframework/boot/autoconfigure/jdbc/DataSourceConfiguration$Hikari.class]: Bean instantiation via factory method failed; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.BeanInstantiationException: Failed to instantiate [com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource]: Factory method 'dataSource' threw exception; nested exception is org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.jdbc.DataSourceProperties$DataSourceBeanCreationException: Failed to determine a suitable driver class
You will notice that he is trying to use hikari datasource to configure the connection to bd. What's going on?
You use spring boot 2. And by this version of spring boot has changed the default configuration.
As you can see at this address:
In Spring Boot 2, Hikari is the default DataSource implementation.
This is what’s changed from Spring Boot 1.x:
· the dependency to Hikari is now automatically included in spring-boot-starter-data-jpa
· the discovery algorithm that automatically determines a DataSource implementation now prefers Hikari over TomcatJDBC (see the reference manual).
Thus, we have nothing to do if we want to use Hikari in an application based on Spring Boot 2.x.
And the configuration of Hikari is diferent.
Then, I imagine that you want use tomcat conection pool. You can to do:
This will exclude Hikari by default from your spring jpa configuration and then you will need tomcat-jdbc. The you can configure de datasource:
This simple approach allows us to get Spring Boot using a Tomcat connection pool without having to write a @Configuration class and programmatically define a DataSource bean.
It’s also worth noting that in this case, we’re using the H2 in-memory database. Spring Boot will autoconfigure H2 for us, without having to specify a database URL, user, and password.
We just need to include the corresponding dependency in the “pom.xml” file and Spring Boot will do the rest for us.
Alternatively, it’s possible to skip the connection pool scanning algorithm that Spring Boot uses and explicitly specify a connection pooling datasource in the “” file, using the “spring.datasource.type” property:
// other spring datasource properties
Here you have the complete reference to disable Hikari, and configure tomcat:
If you want use Hikari the configuration is diferent:
But one of these two options will fix your problem.
Answered By - Francesc Recio
Answer Checked By - Gilberto Lyons (JavaFixing Admin)